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torsdag 8 mars 2012

My Grandpas Free Time Part 2

In case it does't work, here is what I was talking about:

Question 5: Did you have more fun in the summer or the winter?

Answer:  I think I liked the summers better than winter.  Where I lived there was no snow, or not much, and so nothing much to do.  I love to swim and be outdoors and so I enjoyed my summers.  I could just get on my bike and ride down to the local swimming pool and spend a summer day there with my friends.

Question 6: How much money did you have then, how much money did you spend? And on what?

Answer: I didn't have much money then.  I made a little money from delivering newspapers, and I actually loaned much of it to my dad to help the family get by.  He stopped working to spend 4 years earning his PhD at the University of Oregon and still had three children to feed.  My mother worked for the school system splicing movie film together but that didn't pay much.  My dad paid me back when he got his degree and started teaching at Chico State College by buying me a used car to drive when I got my driver's license after I turned 16.

But when I did spend money when I was your age, it was usually for a cold soda in the summer when it was hot and very dry and we had been down on some playing field running all around.  I don't often drink sodas now, but back then after a long day on a playground in the heat, it sure hit the spot.

                                                                  Question 7: What did you start your Saturdays with?
Answer: My Saturdays started with breakfast.  We had cold cereal during the week, but on Saturdays when my mom didn't have to go to work, she made us pancakes with syrup.  Then my brother and I would quickly head outdoors to see when the neighbor kids were doing and start up a game.  Or we would head into the woods in search of pheasants or snakes or other creatures to spy on.  Sometimes in good weather we would get on our bikes and carry our fishing rods and pedal a couple of miles to the Willamette River and do some fishing.

                                    Question 8: If you had time to do one more thing in your free time, what would it be?

Answer: It would be to go kayaking.  Grandma (if you listened or read part 1, you would know who she is) and I bought two kayaks at the beginning of winter and have then in our shed waiting for Spring weather to take them out.

                                                            Question 9: What was your favorite thing to do?

Answer: I think my favorite thing to do was to be outdoors hiking in the woods, swimming, and enjoying nature.

                                                           Question 10: How much homework did you get?

I always had homework.  I probably could have done it all in an hour a day.  But I did a bit extra because I actually enjoyed it and I liked getting good marks on it.  And it helped me get a good job, so even when it was hard and not as much fun, it paid off over my life.

1 kommentar:

  1. I don't know what happened with the questions. They didn't look like that when I made it.
