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onsdag 5 december 2012

If I was an inventor...

If I was an inventor…

If I was an inventor I would do some resaerching on other inventions and see how they did in the electronic parts of inventing and to get insperation of them. I would also try to figure out what people need and want. I would probably also have an other jobb in case I don’t come up with what to do or fail at doing it. I would do something that involves creativity or working with electronic parts so that I train my skills at beinh an inventor. I would maybe try making a robot becauce there is probably many ways that you can program it, which I can therefor use to have the option to creat different robots that all do different things. I could otherwise try to make something else that may make life easier for some people, like maybe a small airpalne that isn’t to complikated or expensive. But if everybody would have one there would probably come laws about that, like there is now when you drive a car on a road, but that would probably be a bit more complicated becuase it would be harder for police to keep track of everybody and  you can’t have flying signs of how fast that you’re allowed to fly. It may also become a bit complicated on where the lanes are because you can’t really put them up in the sky. It would also be a lot more dangerous, becuase you would fall to your death if you run out of gas, just think you find out your low on gas over a huge deep ocean and it would probably be a lot more crashes because it would be harder to keep track of the lanes and speed you are allowed . Someone may also get hurt when you land. Speaking about landing, there would need to be a lot of places to land because you would obviously need to land. It would also be a lot harder for the police to check your pass and make sure you don’t have weapons or that kind of stuff, because you can just leave when you want to. So I guess if I invented it, it would bring more bad stuff then good. So I guess I wasn’t meant to be an inventor after all. Now I just need to come up with an other jobb that I may work good as. All I know, it’s not to be an invetor.

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