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onsdag 8 februari 2012

English W. 6 Illustrator and Discussion leader


Well this very bad picture is supposed to look like the headmaster but it looks like it is made by a 1 year old person. I drew how he look ´s from the front cover. It takes place under the time he is hypnotizing all the students and Dinah is filming. Well I haven't read in till it happens but I am sure she will need to hide the videocamera so I drew (spelt) an apple for the picture that the camera is hiding in. Apologize for the bad picture.

Discussion leader 

1: White hat, fact. Why does the headmaster look different on the front cover and on the 5th page? For example more hair and he lost his moustashe.
I think that they just got lazy and just made it as easy as they could. 
2: Black hat, bad. What is worst, that the headmaster hypnotizes them or the punishments he gives (for example making them work in the snow without any outside clothes)?
I think that he hypnotizes them is worst because than they can’t stop everything that he is doing and for example he can still give them punnishmet like that and get away.
3: Yellow hat good. Why is it good that they teamed up with Dinah?
Well thay know what is going on with all the other students and no one will expect her to be on there team.
4: Green hat creativity. If you made the book, would you change the punnishment in the snow without oud doors clothes to a nicer, meaner or the same punnishment?
Well I tought that the punnishment was quite hard but I would probally keep it that hard, but maybe not acatually that punnishment so that you would realize how hard they had it.
5: Red hat feelings: How did you feel when Dinah wanted to help them with the sums?
I feelt supprized that she turned to there side and managed to say what happend even when she was hypnotized.

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