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onsdag 24 oktober 2012

Rachel and Emmas talk on the phone

 Rachel: Emma, what do you want?

Emma: I am so sorry about you and Simon breaking up. Better luck next time.

Rachel: Well… I… don’t… care. Now let me be.

Emma: Tell your friends to stop sending all the stupid texts to me.

Rachel: Which texts do you mean?

Emma: The ones that are threatning and have warnings in them.

Rachel: I don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Emma: Yes, you do! I know because of how you and everybody in class treat me! You treat me horrible, terrible and awefull.

Rachel: You’re acting strange and I don’t like it. Nobody is sending you anything.

Emma: Well who’s sending them then?

Rachel: Well… I… Don’t… Know. Have you stolen anybody else’s boyfriend lately.

Rachel hangs up.

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